Students at Waitsfield and Moretown started the school year by playing games with a focus on sportsmanship and personal responsibility to set us up for success for the year. Games included gaga ball, capture the flag, freeze tag, hula hut throwdown and boom city.
Next, we headed into 3 weeks of biking at Moretown followed by 3 weeks of biking at Waitsfield. Thank you to all the families who sent in helmets, schlepped their children's bikes to and from school, and attended our family bike nights. Our focus in biking was on exploring what it means to be in control and balanced. For some this meant their first time pedaling without training wheels and for others it meant trying to get air off the teeter totter. It was great to watch everyone challenge themselves during this unit.In November, grades 3-6 are learning floor hockey skills, while grades K-2 will be introduced to the basic concepts of striking with a "long implement" (such as a hockey stick or baseball bat). Sometimes this means silly games hitting foam balls with noodles!
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