This month in health class, we focused on developmentally appropriate relationship and sexuality education, including personal safety. Each grade level had a lesson on sexual abuse prevention in line with Act 1, a Vermont law. Below, I'll share more specifically what that looks like at each grade level. K-4 have wrapped up these lessons and will be starting a nutrition unit next week, while 5-6 will wrap up this unit next week and begin their nutrition unit after break. The last health class of the school year will be the week of January 15th, when my health teaching duties move to Waitsfield - PE class will still be twice a week with me at MES.
Since I see every student over the course of two years at each combined grade level (1/2; 3/4; 5/6), some topics we will delve into more in depth every other year.
Kindergartners learned that families can be all shapes and sizes and the importance of respecting families that are different from our own. We read The Family Book by Todd Parr (one of my favorite authors!) They also learned the anatomically correct names for private parts and why it is important to keep them private. We discussed body autonomy and practiced asking someone to stop and tell a trusted adult if they are touching us in a way we simply don't like (perhaps a kiss from a relative) or in a way that is a big deal, not ok and against the law, like touching our private parts. We also did some fun "fist bump" (like the Jelly Fish!) variations that are a good alternative to a hug or a kiss from someone we care about but aren't wanting physical affection from.
1st and 2nd graders did a lesson on the Circle of Life and learned some very basic science around reproduction. We covered that there are different ways living things make babies- trees growing from a seed, chicks hatching from an egg, and mammals growing in a uterus - a surprise to many students that it isn't the stomach! If you are looking for ways to discuss this topic more in depth at home, I highly recommend the book What Makes a Baby by Cory Silverberg, which we did not read in class. A huge emphasis of the lesson was how we all are our unique selves and not an exact copy of our parents and how cool is that! We read the book Some Bodies by Sophia Kennen and Airin O'Callaghan to drive that point home. In first and second grade we also did a lesson on boundaries and telling a trusted adult if someone (ANYONE) is teasing, bullying or touching us and we aren't ok with it. We reviewed what sexual abuse is, how to tell an adult, and that it is never the kids' fault.
3rd and 4th graders did a lesson on human development, remembering (or knowing our adults remember) all the growth they've made since growing in a uterus for 9 months. We also acknowledged that they are about to go through some big changes. Current 4th graders had a more in depth lesson on those puberty last year, and current 3rd graders will have that more in depth lesson next year. We also did a lesson on boundaries and telling a trusted adult if someone (ANYONE) is teasing, bullying or touching us and we aren't ok with it. We reviewed what sexual abuse is, how to tell an adult, and that it is never the kids' fault. We learned the acronym SAFE:
Say stop
get Away
Find an adult
Explain what happened
5th graders had a lesson on reproductive anatomy and why it is important to know the proper terms. Next week we will be discussing boundaries, personal safety, and sexual abuse prevention.
6th graders had a lesson on the many changes of puberty. Next week we will be discussing boundaries, personal safety, and sexual abuse prevention.
Be well,
Ms. Zaino
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